Some of the lab members visited and presented at the conference. Below you can find the titles of their presentation. (Pictured left to right)

  1. Basanta Khakurel - An efficient heterotachy model for morphological phylogenetics.

  2. Gustavo Darlim - Incorporation of cryptic species affects diversification dynamic analysis in Crocodylia.

  3. Alessio Capobianco - Among-character rate variation and the quest for an appropriate morphological model in Bayesian phylogenetics.

  4. Sebastian Höhna - RevBayes 2.0: New Features and Applications.

  5. Haoqing Du - Gene Family Evolution Modeling in RevBayes with Examples in Fireflies.

  6. Bjørn T. Kopperud - Phylogenetic Estimation of Shifts in the Tempo of Origination.

  7. Priscila Lau - A Bayesian joint inference approach to model continuous trait adaptation using the state dependent Ornstein-Uhlenbeck model.