First, let us implement a move that updates the node ages.
void MCMC::updateNodeAges( void )
// store the current probabilities
// we need these to compute the acceptance probabilities
double current_prior = my_model.getTreePrior();
double current_likelihood = my_model.getLikelihood();
// we need to pick an internal node randomly
Tree* my_tree = my_model.getTree();
int num_nodes = my_tree->getNumberOfNodes();
int num_tip_nodes = ((num_nodes + 1) / 2);
int num_internal_nodes = num_tip_nodes - 2;
const std::vector<TreeNode*> my_nodes = my_tree->getNodes();
// pick a random node which is not the root and neithor the direct descendant of the root
double u = rng.uniform01();
int index = num_tip_nodes + int( std::floor(num_internal_nodes * u) );
TreeNode* node = my_nodes[index];
TreeNode* parent = node->getParent();
// we need to work with the times
double parent_age = parent->getAge();
double my_age = node->getAge();
double child_Age = node->getLeftChild()->getAge();
if ( child_Age < node->getRightChild()->getAge())
child_Age = node->getRightChild()->getAge();
// draw new ages and compute the hastings ratio at the same time
double my_new_age = (parent_age-child_Age) * rng.uniform01() + child_Age;
// set the age
node->setAge( my_new_age );
double new_prior = my_model.getTreePrior();
double new_likelihood = my_model.getLikelihood();
double acceptance_prob = new_prior - current_prior + new_likelihood - current_likelihood;
u = log( rng.uniform01()) ;
if ( isnan(acceptance_prob) || u > acceptance_prob )
// reject -> reset the value
node->setAge( my_age );
// accept! nothing to do, because we changed our value already
void MCMC::updateRootAge( void )
// store the current probabilities
// we need these to compute the acceptance probabilities
double current_prior = my_model.getTreePrior() + my_model.getRootPrior();
double current_likelihood = my_model.getLikelihood();
// we need to pick an internal node randomly
Tree* my_tree = my_model.getTree();
TreeNode* root = my_tree->getRootNode();
// we need to work with the times
double my_age = root->getAge();
double child_Age = root->getLeftChild()->getAge();
if ( child_Age < root->getRightChild()->getAge())
child_Age = root->getRightChild()->getAge();
// define the window size
double delta = 15.0;
// draw new ages and compute the hastings ratio at the same time
double my_new_age = delta * (0.5 - rng.uniform01()) + my_age;
// only proceed of the proposed root age is older than both its children
if ( my_new_age > child_Age )
// set the age
root->setAge( my_new_age );
double new_prior = my_model.getTreePrior() + my_model.getRootPrior();
double new_likelihood = my_model.getLikelihood();
double acceptance_prob = new_prior - current_prior + new_likelihood - current_likelihood;
double u = log( rng.uniform01()) ;
if ( isnan(acceptance_prob) || u > acceptance_prob )
// reject -> reset the value
root->setAge( my_age );
// accept! nothing to do, because we changed our value already
void MCMC::updateTopologyNNI( void )
// store the current probabilities
// we need these to compute the acceptance probabilities
double current_prior = my_model.getTreePrior();
double current_likelihood = my_model.getLikelihood();
// we need to pick an internal node randomly
Tree* my_tree = my_model.getTree();
int num_nodes = my_tree->getNumberOfNodes();
int num_tip_nodes = ((num_nodes + 1) / 2);
int num_internal_nodes = num_tip_nodes - 2;
const std::vector<TreeNode*> my_nodes = my_tree->getNodes();
// pick a random node which is not the root and neithor the direct descendant of the root
double u = rng.uniform01();
TreeNode* node;
do {
double u = rng.uniform01();
size_t index = size_t( std::floor(num_nodes * u) );
node = my_nodes[index];
} while ( node->isRoot() || node->getParent()->isRoot() );
TreeNode* parent = node->getParent();
TreeNode* grandparent = parent->getParent();
TreeNode* uncle = grandparent->getLeftChild();
// check if we got the correct child
if ( uncle == parent )
uncle = grandparent->getRightChild();
// we need to work with the times
double parent_age = parent->getAge();
double uncles_age = uncle->getAge();
if ( uncles_age < parent_age )
// now exchange the two nodes
if ( grandparent->getLeftChild() == uncle )
grandparent->setLeftChild( node );
grandparent->setRightChild( node );
if ( parent->getLeftChild() == node )
parent->setLeftChild( uncle );
parent->setRightChild( uncle );
node->setParent( grandparent );
uncle->setParent( parent );
double new_prior = my_model.getTreePrior();
double new_likelihood = my_model.getLikelihood();
double acceptance_prob = new_prior - current_prior + new_likelihood - current_likelihood;
u = log( rng.uniform01()) ;
if ( isnan(acceptance_prob) || u > acceptance_prob )
// reject -> reset the value
if ( grandparent->getLeftChild() == node )
grandparent->setLeftChild( uncle );
grandparent->setRightChild( uncle );
if ( parent->getLeftChild() == uncle )
parent->setLeftChild( node );
parent->setRightChild( node );
node->setParent( parent );
uncle->setParent( grandparent );
// accept! nothing to do, because we changed our value already
#ifndef TreeSummary_H
#define TreeSummary_H
#include <string>
#include <vector>
class Tree;
class TreeNode;
* Newick tree reader.
* The newick tree reader provides convenience methods for reading trees in Newick format.
class TreeSummary {
TreeSummary(const std::string &fn);
void summarize(double b);
std::string filename;
#include "NewickTreeReader.h"
#include "Tree.h"
#include "TreeSummary.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
TreeSummary::TreeSummary(const std::string &fn) :
void TreeSummary::summarize( double b )
NewickTreeReader reader = NewickTreeReader();
std::vector<Tree> trees = reader.readTrees( filename );
int burnin = b * trees.size();
int n_samples = trees.size() - burnin;
std::map<std::string,int> topology_counts;
for (int i=burnin; i<trees.size(); ++i)
std::string newick = trees[i].getNewickRepresentation( true );
topology_counts[ newick ]++;
for (std::map<std::string,int>::const_iterator it=topology_counts.begin(); it!=topology_counts.end(); ++it)
std::cout << double(it->second) / n_samples << "\t\t" << it->first << std::endl;